Feed for Goldfinches


Packed reel containing 10kg with handle

For Goldfinches

Animal Feed

Miscela a base di semi interi allo stato naturale, selezionati e disinfestati; formulata per rispondere al fabbisogno quotidiano oltre a garantire una ottima forma e un piumaggio dai colori naturali e brillanti.
La possibilità di accedere ad un miscuglio variegato ed opportunamente formulato avvicina l`animale alle condizioni naturali, consentendogli di soddisfare autonomamente i proprio fabbisogni nutrizionali.

Instructions for correct use:

Administer dry, with a container of fresh, drinking water.
Ensure before each dose that the feeder has been cleaned and washed.
This cleaning will also have to be done to the drinking trough.


Cock’s-Foot, Red Fescue, Canary Grass, White Lettuce, extra-small Black Sunflower, Hulled Oats, Chicory, Millet, Niger, Blue Poppy, Flaxseed, Hemp, Carrot, Cabbage, White Perilla.

SEMINART offers a range of products designed to meet the requirements of ornithology.

ECO is a complete and innovative range of feed dedicated to professional and amateur ornithology, a favourite choice in the higher market.

Seminart s.r.l.

Via S. Antonio, 60

35019 Tombolo (Padova)

049 59 68 657

Do not hesitate to get in touch for more information

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